This is the specifications for the image file which is handled by the Game Extractor plugin Viewer_XDA_XDA_TEX_TEX.

Endian Order:Little Endian

This format is used by the following Games:
Summon Night Granthese [PS2]*.tex

This is the format specification information:
  4 - Header ("tex" + null)
  4 - Unknown (516)
  2 - Unknown (2)
  2 - Unknown (4880)
  8 - null
  4 - Unknown (1)
  4 - Image Directory Offset
  4 - Palette Directory Offset
  32 - null
  4 - Unknown (1)
  12 - null
  2 - Image Width
  2 - Image Height
  2 - Image Width
  2 - Image Height
  4 - Unknown (288)
  4 - Unknown (2048)
  4 - Unknown (2048)
  12 - null
  4 - Image Data Length
  4 - Unknown
  4 - Unknown (14)
  8 - null
  4 - Unknown
  4 - Unknown (80)
  12 - null
  4 - Unknown (81)
  4 - null
  4 - Image Width
  4 - Image Height
  4 - Unknown (82)
  12 - null
  4 - Unknown (83)
  4 - null
  4 - Unknown
  4 - Unknown
  4 - Unknown (14)
  4 - null
  4 - Unknown
  4 - Unknown (5)
  4 - Unknown (6)
  4 - null

  4 - Number of Palettes
  12 - null
  // for each Palette
    2 - Unknown (16=8bit colors, 8=4bit colors)
    2 - Unknown (16=8bit colors, 2=4bit colors)
    4 - Unknown
    4 - Unknown
    4 - Unknown (64)
    4 - Unknown (64)
    12 - null
    4 - Image Data Length
    4 - Unknown
    4 - Unknown (14)
    8 - null
    4 - Unknown
    4 - Unknown (80)
    12 - null
    4 - Unknown (81)
    4 - null
    4 - Unknown (16)
    4 - Unknown (16)
    4 - Unknown (82)
    12 - null
    4 - Unknown (83)
    4 - null

  // for each pixel
    1 - Palette Index
  // for each palette
    // for each color
      4 - RGBA Color

These are the accompanying notes and further information:
8-bit Color Palettes are PS2-Striped
If the Palette Directory Offset == 0, there is no palette, and the image data should be read as RGBA pixels

Game Extractor is able to read files of this type, as well as files from thousands of other games. To give it a try, download Game Extractor (Basic Version) for free, and see what it can do.

For further information on this format, refer to the source code on our GitHub repository.