This is the specifications for the archive file which is handled by the Game Extractor plugin Archive_APK_APKF.

Endian Order:Little Endian

This format is used by the following Games:
Spider-Man 3 *.apk
Kung Fu Panda *.apk

This is the format specification information:
  4 - Header (APKF)
  4 - Unknown (263)
  4 - null
  4 - Padding (-1)
  4 - Unknown (2)
  8 - Properties Directory Offset [+20]
    // for each data type
      4 - Data Type (TEX + null, MAT + null, MESH)
      if (dataType == MAT){
        4 - Unknown (2)
        4 - Unknown (1)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (16)
        2 - Unknown (0)
        2 - Unknown (-256)
      else if dataType == TEX){
        4 - Unknown (3)
        4 - Unknown (2)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (4)
        2 - Unknown (2)
        2 - Unknown (256)
      else if dataType == MESH){
        4 - Unknown (2)
        4 - Unknown (2)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (16)
        2 - Unknown (4)
        2 - Unknown (256)
      else if dataType == SKEL){
        4 - Unknown (2)
        4 - Unknown (1)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (16)
        2 - Unknown (0)
        2 - Unknown (-256)
      else if dataType == ANIM){
        4 - Unknown (131350)
        4 - Unknown (1)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (16)
        2 - Unknown (0)
        2 - Unknown (-256)
      else if dataType == AEPS){
        4 - Unknown (1)
        4 - Unknown (1)
        4 - Offset To The First Entry Of This Type in the Details Directory (relative to this field offset)
        4 - Number Of Files of this type
        4 - Unknown (16)
        2 - Unknown (0)
        2 - Unknown (-256)
    4 - null End Of Data Type Directory indicator
    // for each file
      4 - Filename Offset (relative to the start of this field)
      4 - Hash?
      4 - Properties Directory Entry Length (TEX=68, MESH=244/808/404, MAT=704/160, ...)
      if (entry is TEX || entry is MESH){
        4 - File Data Length
    // for each file
      X - Filename
      1 - null Filename Terminator
  X - null Padding to a multiple of 4? bytes

  4 - Header (IMG + null)
  4 - null
  8 - Padding Multiple (16)
  4 - Properties Directory Length
  4 - Unknown (36/32/28)
  4 - Header (PHYS)
  4 - null
  8 - First Entry Offset (relative to the start of the Properties Directory (64) [-16]
  4 - File Data Length
  4 - Directory Length (including this field, but not including any of the fields before this one)
  X - null Padding so the Offset is a multiple of 16 bytes
  // for each file (TEX=68, MESH=244, MAT=704 bytes per entry)
    if (TEX){
      8 - null
      4 - Unknown
      4 - Hash?
      8 - null
      4 - Image Width
      4 - Image Height
      4 - Unknown (1)
      4 - Number Of Mipmaps
      4 - File Type (DXT5/DXT3/DXT1)
      24 - null
    else {
      X - Properties
      X - Padding to a multiple of 16 bytes (Except for the last file of each type, which doesn't have this padding)
  // for each file
    X - File Data
  4 - Unknown (-1)
  // for each file
    4 - Unknown
  8 - Unknown (-1)

These are the accompanying notes and further information:
Some files are small and are stored in the Properties Directory, others (like TEX) are stored in the File Data at the end

Game Extractor is able to read files of this type, as well as files from thousands of other games. To give it a try, download Game Extractor (Basic Version) for free, and see what it can do.

For further information on this format, refer to the source code on our GitHub repository.